I was speaking with my friend Dermot Byrne, the award winning professional photographer (you can see some of his work at
http://www.dermotbyrnephoto.ie/) and that's one of Dermot's award winning shots on the left.
Dermot mentioned to me that this years
Happy Faces day run by the Irish Professional Photographers association takes place on the 1st of April this year - Aprils Fools Day.
You can have your picture taken on April Fool's Day by your local Irish Professional Photographers Association (IPPA) member, for just a € 35 donation, which this year will benefit the charity
Angels Quest.
Angels Quest is a wonderful charity which provides purpose designed respite care facilities for children and young adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. A welcoming, reliable home-from-home which gives families a much needed break, with peace of mind, from the continuous demands of caring at home for their 'angel' with special needs.
Dermot is based in Bray and you can
contact him and have your photo taken and support Angels Quest. Alternately just contact your local Irish Professional Photographers Association member and see if they are particpating and have your photo taken there.
A professional portrait photo in a presentation folder with all proceeds going to charity for jsut €35!
100% of every donation will go to Angels Quest.
The full press release is below:
1st April?
- no longer April Fools Day – but “IPPA Happy Faces Day!”
· Wicklow photographers click for charity!
Four Wicklow photographers are inviting local people to put on a Happy Face for charity on 1st April! On that day, Dermot Byrne (Bray), Garrett Byrne (Arklow), Aisling Madden (Bray) and Frank Murphy (Baltinglass) will take professional portrait photos for a donation of just €35 per photo - and all the money raised will go to the Irish children’s charity, Angels Quest. Nearly 100 photographers nationwide – all members of the Irish Professional Photographers Association (IPPA) - are taking part in “IPPA Happy Faces Day” on 1st April.
Some IPPA members will be hosting the photography sessions at their studios while others will set up events at local centres, hotels or clubs - those interested should log onto
www.irishphotographers.com or check for details on the Wicklow events with: Dermot Byrne (01 282 9560,
Dermot@dermotbyrne.ie); Garrett Byrne (0402 39583,
gbyrnephotography@eircom.net); Aisling Madden (01 282 2047,
info@aislingmadden.com) or Frank Murphy (058 648 1899,
This is the third successive year of the “IPPA Happy Faces Day” fundraising event which has raised more than €95,000 for charity in its first two years. Portraits are a single sitting of individuals aged from 4 to infinity and each participant will receive a 5x7” photograph in a presentation photo.
Angels Quest is a charity founded in 1996 by Deirdre Kelly to provide care for special needs children from the ages of two to sixteen all over Ireland. It builds respite care homes and to date has three homes in Glenageary, Tallaght and Clane, with a fourth in Donabate, County Dublin under construction. All of the funds raised on Happy Faces Day 2008 will go towards the final completion of this home. The charity receives no government funding and relies solely on the goodwill and donations of the general public. The homes provide children with care and stimulation and allow parents to have a well earned break.
Deirdre Kelly comments, “Angels Quest is extremely grateful to be the benefactor of IPPA Happy Faces Day 2008”.
The Irish Professional Photographers Association (the IPPA) has been serving the interests of professional photographers and dedicating itself to the improvement of standards in Ireland since it’s inception in 1949. With a membership of over 300 practising professionals nationwide, IPPA members as individuals are regularly involved with their communities in all manner of charitable activities. In 2006 it was decided to harness the goodwill and the photographic skills of IPPA members for the benefit of a nationally based charity and Angel’s Quest was chosen to be the beneficiary in 2008, the third IPPA Happy Faces Day.
For further information on the charity, log onto
www.angelsquest.ieTo find details of times and locations of events in the local area or to obtain further details of the IPPA Happy Faces Day, log on to
www.irishphotographers.com- ends –